Sexual Violence, Assault & Harassment
CMU College is dedicated to fostering a welcoming and safe campus environment

Our goal is to provide CMU Students, Staff and Alumni with educational and working environments free from sexual misconduct; and treating CMU Members who report incidents of Sexual Misconduct with dignity and respect.
As stated in CMU's Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Policy, sexual violence, including sexual harassment, means any physical or psychological sexual act or act targeting a CMU Students, Staff and Alumni's sexuality, gender identity or gender expression, whether the act is committed, threatened or attempted against the CMU Students, Staff and Alumni without their consent.
Sexual violence includes sexual assault, sexual harassment or abuse, sexual exploitation, indecent exposure, voyeurism and criminal harassment (including stalking and cyber bullying).
If you have been subject to, witnessed or have knowledge of any Sexual Violence
Know that you are not alone and we are here to support. Students, Staff and Alumni will be provided with resources, recommendations and options for reporting. If you would like to report an incident, please reach out to the Manager of Student Services, Senior Vice President and/or follow our Student Complaint Procedure.
Student Services
Phone: 416-968-6739 ext. 43
Email: [email protected]
If you have witnessed or been affected by Sexual Violence
Students, Staff and Alumni who have witnessed or been affected by sexual violence should contact the Manager of Student Services or Senior Vice President in order to discuss supports and the services that are in place for the Member of CMU College.
Students who have been affected by Sexual Violence have the ability to request accommodations. In the event that a student has been affected by Sexual Violence, they need to contact the Manager of Student Services or the Senior Vice President in order to obtain accommodations.
Student Services
Phone: 416-968-6739 ext. 43
Email: [email protected]
Phil Davies, Vice President of Operations & Acting Head of Academics
Phone: 416-968-6739 ext 48
Email: [email protected]
External Resources
There is no requirement to inform either the school or the authorities to take advantage of any of the support or services that either the insurance or the province provides. These services are your right to access without prejudice.
Assaulted Women’s Helpline
Toll Free: 1-866-863-0511
#SAFE (#7233) on Bell, Rogers, Fido or Telus mobile
TTY: 416-364-8762
Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Treatment Centres (35 hospital-based centres that provide 24/7 emergency care to women. To locate the Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Treatment Centre nearest you, follow this link. )
Phone: 416-323-7327
Let's stop sexual harassment and violence – It’s Never Ok
*for more detailed information, please click here to view CMU College's Student Complaint Procedure, or the button below to download a PDF version.
*for more detailed information, please click here to view CMU College's Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Policy, or the button below to download a PDF version.