Variety is the spice of life, and Trason Fernandes has parlayed his impressive range of skills and knowledge to create a unique career. Since graduating in 2006 from Complections’ 32-week Complete Make-up Artist Program, Trason has found work in film, fashion and theatre – he’s truly a renaissance man within the make-up industry! “I took the program because I thought I might as well learn everything!” he shared with us. With a background in graphic design and animation, Trason’s artistic inclinations were able to flourish in ways he didn’t imagine they would.
Admitting that he was initially intimidated by the hair and fashion courses he had to take, Trason now does work for beauty pageants, fashion stories and runway; in particular, he has become very involved in the Miss Canada Universe competition. He has also worked with fashion photography giant Johan Sorenson. The key to Trason’s success has been an exceptional ability to network. “Always carry business cards!” he smiles.
Contacts are essential to a new artist’s ability to navigate their first few years after graduation, and maintaining connections with his classmates and instructors has helped Trason get work with some top industry names. He often works for Tony Chappell’s studio in Toronto, and this connection also helped him land a gig on the set of Hairspray as part of John Travolta’s prosthetics team. “I was doing a (theatrical) production of Reefer Madness at the same time, so I’d be there until eight when the curtain went up, then going to the Hairspray set until three in the morning.” But these extended hours had long been familiar to Trason, who said that he tried to work every spare moment out of class. Runway shows, theatre shows – he was there honing his skills and meeting the individuals who are now employing him on a regular basis. “It prepared me for what to expect when I left school,” he shares. Assisting also played a major part in Trason’s success, and he works with current students when the opportunity comes up.
Now involved with the Toronto Youth Theatre, Trason works on several productions each year and still does fashion and film when he can. He has done short films for the CFC, and worked on the Florida set of a York film class’ 4th year project. Taking his own words of wisdom to grads – “Don’t give up!” – to heart, Trason is making the most of every job, and there’s no doubt the professionalism he exudes will only continue to benefit him in the long run.